Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Can you use flat white paint instead of primer?

hey there, to my knowledge primer has a glue-ish quality that sticks to the wall and to the top color. so i think paint-as-primer would be a waste of money, time and effort because flat paint would absorb the top color among other problems, don't do itCan you use flat white paint instead of primer?
no ,u hav to use the primer first anyway . that's y it's called primer (primary coating )Can you use flat white paint instead of primer?
no, primer soaks in and is especially designed for primer use
Well, anyone can do whatever they want, but if you want good results, you can't use flat white paint instead of primer. Here's why:

Primer is a mixture of matte white paint and glue. This is what makes it adhere to the wall before, as well as lets the new paint you apply stick to it.

Keep in mind that you should use oil-based primer on oil paint or paint that you are unsure of. If you use latex primer on oil paint, it won't stick properly and will eventually scratch, nick and peel off the wall, leaving the original color to stick out. If you aren't sure of the paint already on the wall, use an oil-based primer, as you can paint latex on top of this, but you can't put latex paint on top of oil paint, as it will eventually start to come off.

Enjoy yourself!
No, you must use a primer that will work with either oil or latex based paints. Some primers dry within two hours and you can begin painting. However, everything has always required 2 coats of primer. If painting over an oil based paint such as in a bathroom ask a pro for help tips. It could peel all the paint off the wall and then you have a real mess.

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